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    What is VividarithmetiK?


    VividarithmetiK is a next generation arithmetic co-processor that computes basic arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, trigonometric functions, compare and convert instructions using a new number system called POSIT, that is highly silicon efficient and brilliant performing. VividarithmetiK has a family of processors called Supersonik, Racer, Falkon and Tez with different POSIT configurations specifically targeted towards HPC, Graphics, AI and Automotive applications respectively.

    VividarithmetiK eliminates carry propagation in adders and multipliers using novel adder called Carry Free Adder (CFA). CFA not only eliminates carry propagation but also consumes very less power. We build top performing chips by implementing super-fast arithmetic libraries in them rather than fabricating chip in higher technology nodes.

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    Our Products

    HPC Co-Processor

    Provides server-class performance that is also unmatched in it’s efficiency and size

    – Designed for HPC applications undertaking complex computing tasks
    – Provides support for high end mathematical functions
    – Provides more accurate results than Floating Point number system
    – Encrypted with state-of-the-art watermarking technology

    RISC-V +
    Posit Co-processor Unit

    Cost efficient RISC-V+PCU that doesn’t compromise performance

    – Best suited for automotive applications

    – Compatible for all RISC-V instructions

    – Supported with VividSparks POSIT compiler

    Graphics Co-Processor

    Premium co-processor for GPU architecture

    – Flexible architecture with parameterization of different POSIT configurations

    – More POSIT operations per watt

    – Supports Floating Point equivalent POSIT instructions

    AI Co-Processor

    Smallest, low-cost co-processor for 16-bit

    – Very light weight arithmetic units best suited for AI applications

    – Support for matrix multiplications and additions for Neural Network

    – Flexible architecture with parameterization of processing elements

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    Features and Benefits

    All our cores have the following capabilities to compute the following arithmetic operations with different POSIT configurations which are suited for different solutions.

    – Sum of Products/ 2 independent products

    – 2 independent Addition/Subtraction

    – Multiply Add/Subtract

    – Increment, Decrement

    – 2 independent two’s complement operations

    – Sum of Reciprocals/2 independent reciprocals

    – Sum of Inverse Square roots/2 independent Inverse Square roots

    – Sum of Square roots/2 independent Square roots

    – 2 independent trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, exp(x), log, etc.)

    – 2 independent Integer to POSIT and vice versa conversions

    – 2 independent compare operations

    – Simple instruction pipeline

    All our cores are super efficient when it comes to energy and offer massive boost in performance, at the same time providing highly accurate results and fewer exceptions than Floating Point numbers. more details…